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Dans le Noir ?: Spreading Joy since 2004!

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Tuesday 28 November 2023

Since its creation in 2004, Dans le Noir ? in Paris has been more than just a place to eat. It's a unique space where joy permeates every interaction, every dish, and every experience. The restaurant is much more than just a gastronomic establishment: it is a vector of joy for its customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders and communities beyond.

Satisfaction and joy for our customers, teams and suppliers.
Dans le Noir ? offers a unique experience that forces everyone out of their comfort zone. It's not just about enjoying delicious food in the dark. It's an opportunity to focus on the essentials, to celebrate life's special moments like birthdays and anniversaries, and to realize the value of diversity and inclusion. Through this unique experience, the restaurant takes its customers on a surprise awareness-raising journey that reverses the roles of able-bodied and disabled people. The result? An effective and positive awakening.

Working at Dans le Noir ? is not just a job. For our waiters-guides, it's an opportunity to develop their skills, enhance their expertise, and take a step towards independence. The restaurant is particularly proud of its role as a handi-friendly company, offering an inclusive working environment where joy is not only possible but actively encouraged.

Dans le Noir ? meticulously selects its suppliers, seeking out those who share its commitment to quality, ethics and social responsibility. This is not simply a matter of business, but an extension of the company's philosophy that is reflected in every plate served.

Joy (and Light) beyond our borders
Dans le Noir ? 's impact extends far beyond its walls with the "Dans le Noir? A light for Africa" program. In partnership with the NGO Aide et Action, the restaurant sponsors the electrification and computerization of schools in Sub-Saharan Africa, helping to spread education and light where they are most needed.

In short, Dans le Noir ? is much more than just a restaurant. It's an institution that has established a complete ecosystem where joy is the common thread. Whether it's the customer exploring new sensations, the employee discovering a new path to fulfillment, or the supplier and shareholder seeing us as a dedicated partner. Since its foundation in 2004, Dans le Noir ? has never stopped spreading joy.

The Dans le Noir ? Paris team

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