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Vivre FM and Dans le Noir ?: The story of an inspiring podcast since 2018!

Posted on
Friday 28 February 2020

Vivre FM and Dans le Noir ?: an ongoing story with the "VIVRE" program DANS LE NOIR ?

Vivre FM is an independent community radio station founded in 2004 by Anne Voileau, who sadly passed away recently.

A radio station for all differences, it covers a wide range of subjects, always in a positive light, such as disability, equality between women and men, and racial and sexual discrimination.

The radio station has been run since 2016 by Frédéric Cloteaux, who decided in 2018 to launch a groundbreaking podcast project!

The idea came from a live interview in June 2018 with Edouard De Broglie, head of Dans le Noir ?. He surprised him with an interview in total darkness, improvised in a cubbyhole! The result was an original program: an interview with personalities in total darkness.

It's at the Espace Sensoriel Dans le Noir ? Paris, located at 40 rue Quincampoix, that Frédéric, who hosts the show on Vivre FM, Tiffany, our sensory expert, and the guests meet several times a month to immerse themselves outside their comfort zone for an hour.

The aim of this podcast? To offer an interview in a unique atmosphere, to raise awareness of difference, but also and above all to increase the capacity to listen and exchange!

"VIVRE DANS LE NOIR" on Vivre FM, a podcast where guests are plunged into darkness.

Since September 2018, over 50 personalities have accepted the challenge of this unusual interview! Among them, singers, actors, business leaders and political figures have dared to step out of their comfort zone at Frédéric's microphone in absolute darkness. Fabrice Collaro was the first guest on "VIVRE DANS LE NOIR ? ", and the team went on to welcome a host of other guests, including Michael Jones, Yohann Laveant, Frédéric Cloteaux, Charlotte Montville, Phillipe Croizon, Eric Loizeau and Gil Alma.

Black allows people to speak freely, and that's what we're aiming for! "Vivre Dans le Noir ?" is more than an interview, it's a real in-depth discussion.

Theoriginality of this program is also marked by the intervention of our sensory expert Tiffany, who prepares sensory surprises for each guest, enabling them to develop their other senses such as hearing, smell, touch and taste.

The interviews can be found as podcasts on the Vivre FM website, where you can listen to over thirty minutes of the guests who took part in the game.

Vivrefm paris podcast vivredanslenoir

Happy listening!

To listen to all the podcasts, click here.

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